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Author: Web Master

December 2020 Meeting and Newsletter

On Tuesday 1st December 2020, Wiltshire-AS will continue with online Zoom meeting format. Tonight, we are joined by Dr Lillan Hobs who will be giving us a Zoom talk an intriging topic “The Planetarium in the Bedroom” !

The joining details for tonight’s meeting using Zoom are as follows:
Meeting Time: 1st Nov 2020 19:45 GMT for an 20:00 start
URL: pwd=TXRiYk1CSkwzLzZkaFRXdHZuRi9rZ z09
Meeting ID: 861 3042 3379
Passcode: 580823

As always, Andy Burns has done a cracking job putting together the PDF Newsletter for this month, which is filled with info, see link below.

December Observing Suggestions

Wiltshire Astronomical Society Observing Suggestions for December 2020 @ 21:00

We have updated the observation targets this month for those with binoculars or smaller wide field telescopes to have something to search for.

The WAS Observing Team will provide recommended observing sessions for you to do while maintaining social distancing away from the home or as part of your social bubble at the homes of close friends or relatives. Please always follow the latest government guidelines if observing away from the home.

These observing recommendations will continue until we can start our group observing again (hopefully) in the new year.

Most target objects can be found around due South and South-West at about 21:00.

Where To Look This Month:
This month we concentrate on the constellation of Taurus.
Just select ‘What’s Up’ link below to get the PDF file.
What’s Up Link:

November 2020 Meeting and Newsletter

On Tuesday 3rd November 2020, Wiltshire-AS will continue with online Zoom meetings and we’re joined by long-time friend of the society, the incomparable and always inspired Andrew Loud. We are reliably informed by Andrew’s website that he will still appear in costume over Zoom, so certainly an event not to be missed.

This time, Andrew will be guiding us on an Odyssey to Jupiter.

The joining details for tonight’s meeting using Zoom are as follows:
Meeting Time: 3rd Nov 2020 19:45 BST
Meeting ID: 810 4179 1431
Passcode: 017221

October 2020 Meeting and Newsletter

Tonight, Tuesday 6th October 2020, Wiltshire-AS will continue with online Zoom meetings and we’re joined by society favourite Martin Griffiths, giving us a rundown on the Big Bang and everything after.

The joining details for tonight’s meeting using Zoom are as follows:
Meeting Time: 6tht Oct 2020 19:45 BST
Meeting ID: 872 7839 1344
Passcode: 025434

Andy Burns continues is stoic work putting together the monthly newsletters, the download link is below. Thanks Andy, we’d be lost without you!

September 2020 (Online) Meeting and Newsletter

…and we’re back with our new season from tonight, Tuesday 1st September 2020. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Wiltshire-AS will continue with online Zoom meetings until further notice. Thankfully, our speakers can accomodate doing online talks, many thanks to them.

Tonight, we’re joined by one of our own Nick Howes. Nick will be giving the talk entitled “How do you solve a problem like debris-Ahh?” so an important topic and Nick is a great speaker, so not to be missed.

The joining details for tonight’s meeting using Zoom are as follows:
Meeting Time: 1st Sep 2020 19:45 BST
Meeting ID: 881 7823 7251
Passcode: 011090

Andy Burns continues is stoic work putting together the monthly newsletters, the download link is below. Thanks Andy, we’d be lost without you!

May Zoom Meeting Rescheduled – Tuesday 12th May

Following last week’s decision to postpone the May talk, Martin Griffiths has kindly offered to rescheule his talk “The Habitable Zone – What is it and How is it determined” for Tuesday 12th May 19:45. The meeting will be an online Zoom meeting, joining detail below, again with Andy Burns ably acting as the meeting “host”.

If you’re new to Zoom, here’s an easy to follow tutorial on how to join a Zoom meeting:

May Zoom Meeting & Newsletter

Due to the continuing COVID19 lockdown, our May meeting tonight, Tuesday 5th May 2020, will be held “online” only, using the software Zoom. Our speaker, long-time friend of the society Martin Griffiths, is kindly accomodating us and will give his talk “The Habitable Zone – What is it and How is it determined” over zoom remotely.

Andy Burns has successfully wrestled the technology to the ground and will “host” the Zoom meeting which he aims to start at 19:45. The online meeting details are as follows:

The society will post further information here (as well as the usual email and facebook channels) about the June meeting when the situation becomes clearer.

Monthly Meeting April 7th Cancelled

Due to the ongoing Coronovirus COVID-19 situation, the society committee has cancelled the monthly meeting scheduled on Tuesday 7th April 2020. The scheduled speaker, Pete Williamson, has kindly offered to return next year. Also Andy Burns has will produce the April Newsletter and send via email as normal – thanks Andy.

Chris Brooks will continue to provide updates on scheduled and ad hoc observing via the observing mailing list – please sign up here – as well as on the members private Facebook group, see links below.

We will provide another update in good time ahead of the May meeting as the situation and Government health guidance develops.

As a reminder, you can keep up to date on the society’s public Facebook page here, as well as the private group for members here.

Clear skies