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Author: Web Master

October 2021 Meeting + Update

Tonight, Tuesday 5th October 2021 will be our second in-person meeting back at the hall in Seend, please see our meetings page for further details.

For our October meeting tonight, we will be joined by Colin Stuart who will giving us a summary of “Time in Einstein’s Universe”.

We successfully held the September meeting at the hall which ran smoothly with the exception of issues with internet connectivity. This prevented us running a simultaneous zoom meeting. Therefore, until we can resolve the internet connection issue, we will unfortunately not be able to run a zoom meeting.

Finally, we are still hopeful that a volunteer can be found to take on the small requirement of organising the teas and coffees (and busicuits of course) at the monthly meeting. If you are not currently volunteering for the society already, this would be a great help.

Return to Person-Meetings for 7th September 2021 and the new Season

The society is delighted to confirm that we will be meeting in person at our first meeting of the new season, on this coming Tuesday 7th September 2021. This is our first meeting since the pandemic began so it will be a big step forward. Hand sanitiser will be available by the door.

Meeting Details:

  • The meeting location is unchanged at Lye Pavilion, Rusty Lane, Seend, see our meetings page for further details, 19:30 for 20:00 speaker start. The speaker this month will be Speaker will be Prof Mike Edmunds, The Clockwork Universe. We will also hold our AGM where, amongst other important business, there is a need for a volunteer to take on the task of organising the teas and coffees (and busicuits of course) at the monthly meeting.
  • For those that will not be attending in person, Andy will attempt a Zoom meeting in order for those to join remotely, although this will be a trial to see how the WiFi network performs, details below:

Zoom details for the meeting:


This the new season is starting, the society membership renewal is upon too. The new subscription year runs from 01 Sep 2021 to 31 Aug 2022.

As a reminder, we only implemented our online membership system with membermojo ~7 months ago, but fees collected then were for the existing 2020-2021 season which ran from 01 Sep 2020 to 31 Aug 2021.

Renewal for the new season can all be done via the self-service membermojo portal, available via the URL You’ll need the email address that you used previously to access your account and follow instructions for “Renew”. If you are not yet a member, new memberships can also be created via the Membermojo portal too. Contact information for any queries is also available here You can also pay in person on 7th September 2021.


Again, thanks to Andy for putting together this months newsletter, download link below:

2021/2022 Speaker Programme Announced

We have updated our meetings page with the 2021/2022 speaker programme. A decision will be announced shortly regarding whether will we resume the monthly meetings in person in Seend, or remain with online meetings only via Zoom. Please keep checking this website and public facebook page for further updates that will be made ahead of the September meeting.

Thanks again goes to Peter Chappell for volunteering his time in organising the speakers for the society.

June 2021 Meeting and Newsletter

For our final meeting of the season, we continue with our online Zoom meetings and welcome Robert Harvey who will provide an enlightenig talk on “Understanding the Universe”. Robert is an accomplished astrophotograher so will be providing valuable insight for us.

The zoom meeting details are:
Time: Jun 1, 2021 19:45 PM London
Meeting ID: 822 0551 4510
Passcode: 637001

Please checkout our newsletter where Andy has provided an update on next season, starting in September. Enjoy your two month break and hopefully we can meet more sociably next season in some form.

May 2021 Meeting and Newsletter

May the 4th be with you! So tonight, we continue with our online Zoom meetings and welcome long time Wiltshire Astro stallwart Martin Griffiths who will be giving us a talk “Some Lesser Known Asterisms” !

Details for the Zoom meeting are:

Meeting Time: May 4, 2021 07:45 PM
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 891 5376 8752 
Passcode: 419867

As always, Andy Burns has dutifully put together the Newsetter, please download a copy below:

April 2021 Meeting and Newsletter

On Tuesday, 6th April 2021 we’re continuing with our online Zoom meetings. Tonight we welcome Paul Money who will be giving us a talk “Triumphs of Voyager (part 2) – Where no probe has gone before” which we can’t wait for.

Details for the Zoom meeting are:

Meeting Time: Apr 6, 2021 07:45 PM London
Meeting URL: pwd=aEpjNGM0VU1wR2s0d24yNHRad1lK dz09
Meeting ID: 822 5504 1779
Passcode: 673669

As always, Andy Burns has dutifully put together the Newsetter, please download a copy below:

March 2021 Meeting and Newsletter

On Tuesday 2nd March 2021, Wiltshire-AS will continue with online Zoom meeting format. Tonight, we have the superb Pete Williamson who will be walking us through the “moons in our solar system” with his talk tonight.

Details for the tonight’s Zoom meeting:

Time: Feb 3, 2021 07:45 PM London
Meeting ID: 896 3137 8335
Passcode: 294566

Thanks to Andy for his continued efforts in compiling the monthly newsletter, download link below

February 2021 Meeting and Newsletter

On Tuesday 2nd February 2021, Wiltshire-AS will continue with online Zoom meeting format. Tonight, we have the great Prof. David Southwood who will be giving a talk titled the “Moon and Mars the next Giant Leap”. David has had a distinguished career in the space sector, both in academia and held senior positions in the European Space Agency.

Details for the tonight’s Zoom meeting:

Time: Feb 2, 2021 07:45 PM London
Meeting ID: 851 0098 1193
Passcode: 627310

New Online Membership System Introduced

As of today the society is delighted to introduce a new online system which will manage our memberships and the associated payments. The system is provided by a third-party service called Membermojo.

So, how to join the society for the current “season” which runs to 31st August 2021.

  • Click “Membership” on the top menu, or follow, which redirects to the membermojo page
  • Click “Join/Renew” button.
  • Complete the basic forms (name, email address). We do not hold or want to hold any further details. No bank account information is held by us, that’s handled by a third-party for a fee.
  • Select the membership type. Currently there is only a single “annual” membership. NOTE further types of membership options will be added.
  • Select a payment method. For “online” options, you can use any card (credit/debit) or use your personal paypal account if you have one. Alternatively, select “OFFLINE” and I will seperately email you with BACS details or where to send a cheque. Using on online method does mean less work we understand if you’d cannot or would prefer an offline method.
  • Then, you should receive an email confirming membership and that will expire on 31st August 2021 (membership fees are not pro-rated). You should receive an alert before that as a reminder too.

Thanks in advance for your patience and we’d welcome any feedback.

January 2021 Meeting and Newsletter

On Tuesday 5th January 2021, Wiltshire-AS will continue with online Zoom meeting format. Tonight, unfortunately our scheduled speaker is unable to give their talk and our very own Andy Burns has stepped in and will give a talk on “Sir John Herschel, 1st Baronet of Slough”, thanks Andy!

Details for the tonight’s Zoom meeting:

Time: Jan 5, 2021 07:45 PM London
Meeting ID: 875 4875 6423
Passcode: 115227