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June 2022 Meeting

Hi, just a quick reminder of our upcoming June monthly meeting held on ONLINE only via Zoom, on Tuesday 7th June 2022 at 19:45 for an 20:00 start. This is due to a regular Hall venue in Seend undergoing emergency maintenance works. Thanks for your understanding with this. Will will delay the AGM under the September meeting too when this can be held in person.

For our speaker this month, we welcome Prof. Matt Griffin who will give a talk titled “The Hazards of Asteroid Impacts on Earth – should we worry?”.

Zoom meeting details:

Meeting ID: 818 1177 3783
Passcode: 678966

Thanks once again to Andy for putting together this months newsletter, download below.

Thank you for all the support to the society for this season, and we will look forward to meeting more regularly in person from September onwards for the 2022-2023 season.