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Category: monthly-meeting

May Zoom Meeting Rescheduled – Tuesday 12th May

Following last week’s decision to postpone the May talk, Martin Griffiths has kindly offered to rescheule his talk “The Habitable Zone – What is it and How is it determined” for Tuesday 12th May 19:45. The meeting will be an online Zoom meeting, joining detail below, again with Andy Burns ably acting as the meeting “host”.

If you’re new to Zoom, here’s an easy to follow tutorial on how to join a Zoom meeting:

May Zoom Meeting & Newsletter

Due to the continuing COVID19 lockdown, our May meeting tonight, Tuesday 5th May 2020, will be held “online” only, using the software Zoom. Our speaker, long-time friend of the society Martin Griffiths, is kindly accomodating us and will give his talk “The Habitable Zone – What is it and How is it determined” over zoom remotely.

Andy Burns has successfully wrestled the technology to the ground and will “host” the Zoom meeting which he aims to start at 19:45. The online meeting details are as follows:

The society will post further information here (as well as the usual email and facebook channels) about the June meeting when the situation becomes clearer.

2020 March Meeting and Newsletter

Tonight, Tuesday 3rd March 2020, we will be welcoming astrophotograher Dr Lilian Hobbs who will be talking to us about the Armchair Messier Marathon, as is the season.

This month’s newsletter, penned by Andy Burns (thanks Andy!), highlights the issue of the new low earth orbit mega-constellations that are causing concern for ground based astronomers, amongst other local updates and information.

Andy also led the society’s outreach efforts with visits to local schools and Scout groups, thanks again.

Also, check out the Group photo taken by Peter at the last meeting.

If that’s not a rogues gallery I don’t know what is …

2020 February Meeting and Newsletter

Tonight, Tuesday 4th February 2020, we’ll be entertained by Jon Gale, as he walks us through observing the mighty Herschel 400.

This month’s newsletter, as always, has been ably complied by Andy Burns (many thanks Andy!) and can be downloaded the link below. Special thanks to Andy Burns and fellow volunteers for the schools outreach events that happened this month.

Silbury Hill during last month’s penumbrial lunar eclipse
Credit: Andy Burns

2020 January Meeting and Newsletter

Greetings and happy new year!

Tonight, Tuesday 7th January 2020, we’ll be hosting the annual beginners forum. This meeting will have no speaker and gives a chance for members to ask questions and learn from other members in the society. If you are attending, feel free to come armed with queries and you’re welcome to bring your equipment too if you can technical questions.

This month’s newsletter, as always has been ably complied by Andy Burns (many thanks Andy!) and can be downloaded the link below.

Venus and Saturn across 40 exposures arcing through winter skies
Credit: Andy Burns

2019 December Meeting and Newsletter

Tonight, Tuesday 3rd December 2019, we’re looking forward to welcoming Dr Dirk Froebrich, from the University of Kent, to our December festival monthly meeting.

Dr Froebrich will be talking about his involvement in the citizen science HOYS-CAPS Project. The project aims to allow amateur astronomers to assist with long term photometric monitoring of young stellar clusters and identical outburst candidate targets for follow up study.

As is customary, after the speaker and notices, there will be festival nibbles, thanks Andy for organising.

WAS very successful Solar Observing from November’s Transist of Mercury

2019 November Meeting and Newsletter

Tonight, Tuesday 5th November 2019, we’re looking forward to welcoming Andrew Lound to our November monthly meeting.

Andrew will be looking at Uranus and the history of William Herschel’s discovery of that fabulous planet. Andrew’s full bio is in this month’s newsletter.

Andy Burns has put together a bumper newsletter, with lots of contributions from members, thanks Andy!

The Palma to Aberdeen flight BY1213 flying across the Moon at 8:57 from Chippenham. Credit: Andy Burns

2019 October Meeting and Newsletter

Hot exoplanet. Credits: ESA/ATG medialab, CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO

Tonight, Tuesday 1st October 2019, we’re excited to welcome Dr Chris Pearson from RAL Space in Harwell, Oxfordshire to our October monthly meeting.

Chris will present the state of the art on what is surely one of the most exciting topics in all of science today, Exoplanets. Chris will also cover his involvement in Esa’s ARIEL mission that is currently in development.

2019 September Meeting & Newsletter

Credit: Peter Chappell 2019

Tonight, Tuesday 3rd September, we kick off our new season with a thanks to Andy Burns for his dedication to the society over 25 years and continuing to publish our PDF newsletter. Here’s to another 25 years!

For our meeting tonight, we will be in the capable hands of Steve Tonkin who will talk about Time and Calendars and the relevance to astronomy. To see more from Steve, check out his website Steve’s talk will be followed by our (short) AGM. Thank you to all the committee volunteers and those that help the society.

Note on this month’s featured image. We had a couple of members travel out to Argentina and Chile for the total solar eclipse in the crisp skies of the Andes. Here is an image from Peter Chappell. Image detail: 3rd Contact: f6.3, ISO 3200, shutter speed (S/S) 1/160 of a second at 400 mm.