Due to the continuing COVID19 lockdown, our May meeting tonight, Tuesday 5th May 2020, will be held “online” only, using the software Zoom. Our speaker, long-time friend of the society Martin Griffiths, is kindly accomodating us and will give his talk “The Habitable Zone – What is it and How is it determined” over zoom remotely.
Andy Burns has successfully wrestled the technology to the ground and will “host” the Zoom meeting which he aims to start at 19:45. The online meeting details are as follows:
- Meeting URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82646358305?pwd=aWJUcTBkdmZsMGx2QUVwc2pxaUpCZz09
- Meeting ID: 826 4635 8305
- Password: 666948
The society will post further information here (as well as the usual email and facebook channels) about the June meeting when the situation becomes clearer.