Next Members Meeting
This month we will be holding an online/zoom only meeting which is scheduled for Tuesday 4th March for 19:15 for 19:30 meeting start.
This month we are delighted to have Prof. Malcom MacCallum who will give a talk “Was Einstein 100% Right?”. Please see our newsletter (download link below) for further details and a speaker bio.
If you’re not a member and you are looking to join, please drop an email to us (see contact page) and request the Zoom access code. We kindly ask that after two “try out” member meetings, that you take out an annual membership, see membership page for details.
I will email the Zoom details to members separately look out for that email. Apologies for the confusion last month.
Once again thanks to Simon Barnes, our chair, for editing the newsletter and providing our monthly “Report from the Chair” amongst other details about the society and “whats up” this month. Please check it out. If you have any feedback about the newsletter, then we would love to hear it, so get in touch via our contact page.
After some disapointmenting cancellations due to weather, we were treated to a crystal clear evening last Friday at Lacock, and we had what we think was a record turnout, with at least 40 people on site at the Observing area. Many thanks to everyone for braving the cold and getting out. It was lovely to see families there too. Thanks to Chris Brooks, our observing coordinator for making these events happen. Chris is very keen to get some help if he is unavailable, so please step forward if value these events. Thanks.
If you have any feedback or comments on how to improve any aspect of the observing events, please let us know via our contact page.
Download our observing schedule for the next event.
Mailing List
Please make sure you are subscribed to our mailing list to get the society monthly updates by email and also the observing reminders.
Clear skies